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编辑:陈丹     发布时间:2019-03-14    浏览:6086




      …………………………………………………… 艾卫敏( 1

   白扁豆研究进展………………………………………   丹( 4

   原发性肝癌组织与血清DLC-1基因表达分析 ……   惠( 8


      ……………………………… 胡熙苒        翀(11


      ………………       婷  彭  慧  欧阳勇(15


      ………………………………………… 宋志勇  穆亚敏(19

   绅泰春血塞通片的药理和临床疗效分析… 肖建武    晶(22


……   敏(25



   检验专业学生显微镜操作技术考核问题初探……… 翦卫星(28

   创新创业教育视野下高职院校众创空间建设研究… 陈美佳(31

   新时代高职医学生“三爱”教育现状分析及实践……   燕(34

   论医卫类五年制高职语文阅读教学中社会主义核心价值观教育的实施……………………………………………………… 许  令(37

   医学机能虚拟实验教学的现状及发展趋势探讨…… 严丹华(40

   新媒体背景下大学生党建工作创新发展研究……… 赵 曦(42


…… 徐焱伟(44



…………………… 陈华娟(48

   互联网+时代 高职学生非理性消费的问题与对策

…………………………… 成玉梅(51


      ……………… 何晓璐  谭小燕  冯  亮 唐  蓉(54

   浅析高职学生学习动力的影响因素及建议………… 李  娜(58

   微课视频在高职助产专业学生实践教学中的应用… 彭 燕(60

   院校合作开发外科护理学微课程的研究…………… 王映华(63

   高职医学生法治教育实践教学方式研究…………… 杨玲英(65



   高自由度双足机器人数学模型及步行控制研究…… 李海军(68

   浅谈高职智慧校园数据中心平台建设……………… 刘 佳(71


…………… 魏新桂(74


……………………… 朱永泰  赵修斌  郭  飏(77


………… 李华英  郭果毅    礼(82


…………………… 刘丽琼  付雪连(86

   高职院校学生诚信银行管理模式研究………………   涛(91

   基于B/S模式的考试系统总体设计………………… 张淼波(94


……………………赵绚丽  严思静  赵宇杰(97


      ……………………黄铁牛  何晓璐  王丽娟  敖彩民(102



Medical Science

Influence of NeuralPlasticity on Immune System Control in Central Nervous System Diseases………………………………Ai Weimin 1

Research Progress of WhiteHyacinth Bean……………ChenDan 4

Analysis of DLC-1 GeneExpression in Tissues and Serum of Patients with Primary Liver Cancer…………………………… He Hui 8

Clinical Study ofContinuous Loading Dose of Recombinant Human Brain Natriuretic Peptide inPatients with Chronic Heart Failure………………Hu Xiran  Qi Liang  ChenChong11

Study on PreparationProcess and Transdermal Absorption of Sinomenine Film…………Zhang Qiong  LiuTing  Peng Hui  Ou Yangyong15

The study of correlationbetween the polymorphisms of APOE and serum lipid levels in elderly population in xiangtan city …………………………………Song Zhiyong  Mu Yamin19

Analysis of Pharmacologyand Clinical Efficacy of Shentaichun Xuesetong Tablets…………………………Xiao Jianwu  Zuo Jing22

Application of ModernInformation Technology in Continuous Nursing of Patients with Enterostomy………………………………… Yi Min25


Reform in Education

Discussion on ExaminationQuestions of Examination Microsurgery for Examination Students…………………………………Jian Weixing28

Research on theConstruction of maker space in Higher Vocational Colleges Based onPerspective  of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education……………………………………………Chen Meijia31

Analysis and Practice of“Three Love” Education for Medical Students in Higher Vocational Colleges in New Era…………………TanYan34

On the Implementation ofEducation of Socialist Core Values in Teaching of Chinese Reading in Five-year Higher Vocational Colleges…………………………………………………… Xu Ling37

Current Situation andDevelopment Trend of Virtual Experiment Teaching in Medical Function……………………… Yan Danhua40

Innovative Development of CollegeStudents' Party Building under the Background of New Media…………………………………Zhao Xi42

Discussion on the Teachingof Nursing English Class based on the Cultivation of Core Accomplishment of Nursing Students in Higher Vocational Colleges…………………………………… Xu Yanwei44

Research and Practice onCounselor Team Construction of the“three-type” Nursing Talent Training…………… Chen Huajuan48

Research on IrrationalConsumption Problems and Educational Countermeasures of Higher  VocationalStudents in the Age of Internet +………………………………………………Cheng Yumei51

The application ofnarrative education in the cultivation of the quality of humanistic carein  vocational nursing students……………………… He Xiaolu  Tan Xiaoyan  Feng Liang  Tang Rong54

A brief analysis offactors affecting  higher vocational students' learning motivation andsuggestions………………………………… Li Nan58

Application of Micro ClassVideo in Practical Teaching of Midwifery Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges……………………Peng Yan60

Research on DevelopingMicro Surgery Nursing Courses in Colleges and Hospitals………Wang Yinhua63

A Study on the PracticalTeaching method of Law-Related Education For  Higher VocationalMedical  Students……………Yang Lingying65


Comprehensive Research

Mathematical model and walkingcontrol of biped robot with high degree of freedom……… Li Haijun68

Construction ofIntelligent Campus Data Center Platform in Higher Vocational Colleges…………Liu Jia71

Troubleshooting of XT-700electrocardiograph test box dark display and key operation failure…………………………………… Wei Xingui74

Compilation and validationof medical students' learning habits questionnaire………………Zhu Yongtai  ZhaoXiubin  Guo Yang77

On the psychologicaladaptation period of Freshmen in Higher Vocational Colleges………………………Li Huaying  GuoGuoyi  Zeng Li82

Investigation on SexKnowledge, Attitude and Sexual Behaviors of Higher Vocational NursingStudents  in Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan Vocational Colleges…………………… Liu Liqiong  FuXuelian86

Research on the ManagementMode of Credit Bank for students in higher Vocational Colleges…………………………………………Yan Tao91

General Design ofExamination System Based on B/S Mode……………………………… Zhang Miaobo94

Operation management ofventure enterprises in the Internet + background……………… Zhao Xuanli  Yan Sijing Zhao Yujie97

Investigation and Analysisof Students' Professional Identity in Localized Training of Rural Doctors

    ……Huang Tieniu  HeXiaolu  Wang Lijuan  Ao Caimin102


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